Sunday, August 26, 2018

Make Money Online By Blogging | Start Your Own Blog (Part-1)

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Blogging | Making money online is not a new topic now. With the help of technology and the help of skilled technicians, many unemployed self-helpers today. Yes! Now many bloggers blogging has chosen as a profession. The advantage of blogging is to earn more money when you start earning once. Do you want to blog? If your answer is yes and if you have something to know about this, then this post is for you. I will highlight the main points of this topic through this post.

1.What Is Blogging
Blogging is something that you just need to write in a blog. We will learn about the blog in the next post. Blogging is basically called written on a blog. Now the question is, What is written in the blog?
Answer: A blogger who knows what he wrote in the blog, it could be about any topic. Such as travel information, technology-related information, book information, movie information, computer related information, etc.
There are many bloggers who only note their own daily works. In a word, blogging is called written on a blog. Two types of blogging:
  • Professional blogging
  • Guest Blogging

Professional blogging: Professional blogging is, creating a blog of its own. Professional bloggers buy their own domain and hosting and create their own blogging platform. Basically, this is the ideal blogging system.
Guest Blogging: Guest blogging is written on someone else's blog. There are many blogs on the internet, where you will get the opportunity to write. And you get a share from the amount you earn from your writing.

2.What Do I Need To Know
What you need to know before starting blogging is 1. Blogging in which language (best if English), 2. Writing speed, 3 Patience
If you know these three things you can start your blogging life. The most important thing in the blogging world is patience. Without patience, you can not improve here. You will become very annoyed once, but you will have to be patient with your patience. And if you have passed the patience test, then you will succeed.

3.Blogging Gains
maybe you all understand what is blogging! Now tell you what does it profit? You know that your writing is helping someone else. If you can write about a very good topic, then your blog will get a lot of visitors. And the visitor is really your profit. The more visitors come to the more profit. Now you will have to wait a lot before the visitor arrives. As long as you do not get good visitors, you have to work for free. There is nothing to despair. This work will give you success in one day.

4.Income From Blog
Now say how to earn. There are different ways of earning from blogs, such as affiliation, advertisement display, sponsored post, etc. Advertising is the most popular from here. There are various advertising agencies on the Internet, who will advertise on your website. What will you get in return? You will get your desired income. More details will be discussed later on display of ads.

This way you can earn from your blog.

5.Where To Start
Firstly think about what you want to write. Learn more about that topic. If you are proficient in English, then prepare to create an English blog because it can be well earned and you will be able to succeed very quickly. 
This time it's time to select blogging platforms. Two popular blogging platforms - Blogger and Wordpress, Start at the Blogger at the beginning. Because everything is straightforward and the blogger (the name Blogspot) is easy to handle. The advantage of WordPress is so much more so much bigger than its blogs. It's free and you can get Google AdSense through that which is not possible in Free Wordpress. 
But one of the disadvantages is that if you want to add more than one user, you have to do manually, ie there is no system to login or register like Wordpress site. 
But after buying domain it can be fitted from the domain panel.

Please wait for the second post, Please do comment for any kind of information/inquiries. I wish you success a lot.

tags: blogging,blogging tips,make money blogging,how to make money blogging,blogging for beginners,blogging basics,blogging earning,earn money blogging,how i earn money from blogging,blogger,blogging 2018,free blogging,blog,blogging ideas,start blogging,blogging advice,blogging course,blogging in 2018,how to earn money online,online earning best site,earn money online, online jobs,online earning money,make money online
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